Tuesday, 19 November 2013


Before you start wondering why my style of writing is so simple and - possibly - slightly incorrect, I just wanted to warn you that English is not my mother language. The reason why I decided to use it here is, I guess, understandable: a) more people will be able to use this site and b) if one doesn't speak English, he probably wouldn't want to speak other languages as well.

...So yes - this blog is going to be about learning languages. That's why I chose such a silly adress - another thing is that it makes me think rather about Cosmo from Fairly Odd Parents, not about cosmopolitans xD

My idea is to simultaneously post lessons including the same learning material, but in different languages. For example: Lesson 1 is going to be about numbers, no matter which category you choose. This will give you the ability to learn numbers in two or more languages at once - and this way you will learn those languages much faster than if you tried to learn them separately. (Check 'tips' category if you have some doubts ;])

For the time being you can safely trust me with French, Polish and Chinese, but I am also in the process of learning Finnish, Hawaiian and Hindi. Stay calm, however: I'm checking stuff ten times in different resources before I am sure of something. And by different resources I also mean native speakers (SOME HAWAIIANS OUT THERE?!).

Well, so you can start learning even right now. Good luck!

Btw. good news - a friend of mine is going to create Mongolian, Tibetan and Russian categories and generally help me with this blog!

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